Introduction to Capital One
Note: We’ll have a live Q&A for all paid subs on Tuesday September 10th, at 8PM ET. Details will be provided in the Slack Group. This call with specifically discuss the new Amex ALFA that will be dropped earlier that day. This is one of the most important Q&A sessions yet as it will transform the whole game, so please mark your calendars and do your best to join if you’re free.
Had a request from “Player 1” in the Slack group, so time for a Capital One post.
As always if you’re a paid member make sure to join the Slack Group (DM me on Twitter for access) and feel free to request and topics for posts in the #postrequests channel.
Intro to Capital One
The “big three” in this game include Chase, Amex, and Citi…
As you all know by now, with a few of those cards from each issuer (along with bum tactics)…
You have a license to print money.
While Capital One is not part of that trifecta, is has some solid cards that can be a great part of your repertoire.
That said, Capital One cars are generally harder to get approved for, and should certainly be prioritized AFTER getting set up with a nice portfolio of Chase cards.